Father Time finally catches up to Endor.. she's reached all her Challenge goals but not her LTW to be an Astronaut. Still the old girl is giving it her best go and has joined the Military Career.

The homestead is getting a bit crowded. Jasper tries hard to get along with all the past relatives that drop by but sometimes they are just flat out annoying. Nettie loves watching TV with her grandson.

Rolando has a harder time ignoring all the spectral activity in the house. After all him and Endora are getting close themselves to having that dreaded visit from The Grimmeiseter.

Getting soaked and then trying to fix the computer.. not a good idea Endora!

... Endora's last thoughts were that she wanted to pass on in her best outfit and purple hat... not in her granny panties and her hair all frazzled!!

The shock of Endora's untimely death... (ok ok, so he was older than her) ... was more than Rolando could handle.
Rolando - " Hold on, I'm coming my love ... nothing can keep us apart .. and I too am in my man panties!"

Well talk about a house full of spirits. Jasper, now a teenage orphan, decides to not tell anyone about the deaths and quietly buries his parents out in the garden. He only has a few days before he is legally an adult and then he can sell the house and move out of the creepy old swamp. In the meantime he spends as much time at school and with friends as he can. Two girls in particular love having him over... Ami Titus who seems to love to cook. And Mariah Weinstein who seems a bit more of a wild child.

Finally Jasper turns 19! First things first sell the house and buy a new one. Thankfully his parents had quite a valuable collection of nectars and gems in the basement so Jasper was able to buy a very nice home just outside of the town's center. He loved it, it wasn't dark or gloomy and none of that creepy mist floating around!

Jasper was SO excited to start his new life that he even failed to change into his everyday clothes before running off to register with the city to start up his Gardening career. He still mourned the loss of his parents but he also suddenly took notice of all the hot girls walking around.

Jasper wasted no time lining up potential life partners and after finding most of the townie girls either already in relationships or lying about their true ages Jasper finally decided to give his old school chums a call and see if any sparks flew. Mariah was the first to stop by... she umm... looked a bit different from when Jasper last saw her. Jasper wonders if she lost weight or something....
Jasper - "yeah, so after my Dad died I decided.."
Mariah - "yeah yeah whatever so I want kids right away.. and a big wedding not one of those private cheap deals, get it... hey are YOU listening to ME??!"

... things didn't go so good. There is wild child and there is psychotic stalker .... Jasper bid Mariah a hasty Good Bye ... after all what sort of loony shows up for a date in a wedding dress!?

His next date was with Ami. She looked pretty much the same and seemed to still love to cook. Jasper explained to her how crazy some people in town were. Ami agreed and decided some pie would make things better. Ami wound up spending the night .. and another night... and another... we all know where this is going, the house was too big for just Jasper after all...... And so the family puts down some new roots in a new home ....
hahaha! Man pannies!!!! lol